In African Game Tracks (limited edition) – Puxley F.L.
Puxley began his hunting career shortly after the turn of the century and for almost thirty years he followed in African game tracks. He was a contemporary of Neumann as well as of Bell; of Sutherland as well as of Lyell, of Kirby and of Stigand. But his book was printed in only a small edition and until our reprint was unavailable to the hunting public. Puxley hunted Africa from Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania to Nyasaland, Mozambique, Rhodesia and South Africa. His most exciting moments came when he was about to reach elephants he had been tracking for weeks. But there are also adventures with buffalo, lion etc. If in the heart of every man who is half a boy and every boy who is half a man, there is a longing for adventure, then this book satisfies that thirst, at least from a reading standpoint.