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In The Salt Limited Edition


In The Salt Limited Edition

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In the Salt (limited signed edition) – Hallamore Lou

Anyone who has hunted in Africa during the past 20 years knows Lou Hallamore – at least by his superb reputation. This book is about people, animals, big game hunting, being outwitted and out maneuvered and knowing that sooner or later your luck will change and you trophy will be “in the salt.” For 27 of Africa’s top game animals, Hallamore talks not only about choice of weapons, methods of location, trophy judgement, stalking, shot placement and following wounded game but he also talks about more sensitive subjects – Backup by the pro? Yes, or no. Finally, for all the trophy conscious hunters, he also talks about “the way things really are.” Interspersed with all this are plenty of hunting stories and anecdotes. Learn what made Hallamore a wiser professional hunter and a much wiser man. 8 1/2 x 11 inch format. 150 black and white photos plus 26 color ill. showing pay lines for shooting.